Police Protection

If you are a victim of violence, call the police on 117, to ask for immediate help. The emergency line operated 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

In Geneva, a law on violence in the home was passed in 2005, which permits the removal of the abuser from the home for the protection of the victim.

  • When the police arrive, they can decide, in certain situations, to immediately remove the abuser from their home and ban them from certain places, such as school, workplace etc, for a period of up to one month.
  • A fast review of these measures will be undertaken by a Justice of the Peace if these measures exceed more than 48 hours.
  • These removal orders have no effect on family and marital obligations.
  • Victims are able to obtain social and legal support if they need it.

If the immediate intervention of the Police is not necessary, you can file a lawsuit, by going to a police station, or by writing to the Head of Police or the Attorney General.

If you wish, bring with you a person you trust when you go to the Police (see Make a Complaint)

Make contact with organizations who can help you (see the list of useful addresses). They will know how to inform and help you.

See our list of useful addresses.